The Learning Habits of Children Nowadays

Dear Reader,

Well, I have one sister and three brothers of which I haven’t interacted much since I grew up in Davao city my entire life. The difference we have greatly is that I grew up in the city and they simply grew up in the countryside. And YES, they do have a high expectations from me since I’m from the city but I think they got me all wrong. You see country people have tendencies to expect city people to have a standard taste of living because we value time as a propagation of money and expense (of course). For them, finding a job and having not to care about time because most of them are genuine and compassionate people. Nevertheless, they have good attitude when in comes towards handling situations than city people (My opinion only).

Though what bothers me nowadays is that children nowadays never had the patience for studying academically. Speaking of which, in the city we have bright people with different techniques and habits of studying while for countryside people have different habits as well.

Remembering my childhood, my father wants me to read a bible, lectures history to me, wants me to watch National Geographic Channels and go study every Saturday rather than watching a television. He left me no choice but to study keeping me on the list of top ten of 10th (It’s true!). Anyway, every time I go home from school. He has the patience to tutor me including my brother and big sister (of course). Specially Math I remembered I always cry solving a simple math problem. I always complain and cry but in the end it paid off. Though its embarrassing to recall but there is a lesson that we should value more. You see, all they wanted for you is a brighter future and education. It was never for them but for you to give yourself a credit. Of course, education is a long term investment. It will take you years to get your Return of Investment or ROI.

Recently fast forward to today 2015 my sister who is 12 years old now. Eventually my mom wanted me to teach her or help her with an assignment. So I did reviewed a little and studied the assignment just like I did when I was younger. When I called her to start with the study she just slept with my little brothers. Thinking back, is this how they treat education as a joke? She said she’s tired. She wanted me to answer her assignment for her. (what?) Treating her assignment like an instant noodles. Definitely I will never spoon feed her the answers. In fact, she should learn by herself. Though I know I am harsh and hard. Learning is learning the hard way. How else should she learn if she wants to have a good grades? It goes back to the attitude, habit and goals of the child.

Nowadays, with the advantages of having gadgets and devices gives younger generation to be spoiled and reliant to adults. Parents as well are responsible. Therefore, it is challenging to confront the reality of children having little patience and attention for their studies. Unlike before 1990’s back in my time, having only cartoon network as a form of entertainment, gives me the creeps. It worries me how children nowadays don’t give much value to education.

Sad to say, k12 is less efficient than it should be. It only makes the situation worse and long term side effects are guaranteed to be devastating.

So yeah! You may leave your comments and suggestion as to how you think parents should develop their kids nowadays. I would love to hear your opinion as well. Gracias! 😀

Having a Real Friend Beside You

Dear Reader,

I am writing my blog as if I am sending a letter to a dear friend. It took me awhile to pick the right words to give to a friend though. Well I wanted to change my writing style from before than today.

Nowadays, it’s hard to find a real friend who stood by you and I realized that just now. Not once I would like to loose another friend. Friend means many things. A friend who listens to you wholeheartedly and a friend who can talk anytime you have problems to talk to.

For the last six month, it went crazy with a friend whom I get along for 3 years now. We have been friends for awhile. It felt to me that all these years have been crazy without realizing the real value of our friendship.

It all began when I changed my work and time schedule. So we don’t have similar time frames. She kept calling me early in the morning having 20 missed calls a day. My jaw would drop most of the time because of how many missed calls I would receive. All the nonsense talks we had nonetheless I would listen the entire time we spoke. It became a growing problem to me. I had to confront her letting her know of my burdened feelings.

Just like any other friendship maybe at some point in time I wanted to end our relationship as friends. It would only go to waste if we cannot resolve our issues. One day, it began with an argument (of course) when you are heated up to open issues with your friend. It would continue in days of arguments and spoiled moments. Then I turned my dilemma to my mother. The feeling of telling your mother a lot seems to be refreshing since I always seek advice to my father. Hearing advice from your mother is a delight perhaps.

Mama told me that maybe she’s lonely and you should be glad that you’re the only friend she trusts fully. She added up that your lucky to be the only friend she can share all her secrets. For the moment I realized I became so naive that it took me awhile to see how she looks to me for comfort. A real friend indeed.

At the end of the day, when we were able to sort out our issues. She told me I am her only real friend she can speak to. It was a worthwhile experience hearing from a friend. It was real disregarding the pretentious beliefs you both have. It has been awhile but we didn’t have any photos because we had a long distance relationship or LDP as we may know it. Perhaps I became selfish of my own personal interests that I forgot I’ve got a friend who treats me right no matter how crazy we become or grew. At least you have a friend who treats you real and authentic.

Today, we spoke openly about our feelings and secrets. It our values, respect and connection that matters the most.

Marriage: A Moving Concept

Marriage is a union of two people seeking for a lifetime commitment. Divorce is second to none. Same Sex Marriage is a respect to a newly formed union.

Marriage is a bond of two people meant to be at the right place, right time and right moment. Nowadays we see marriage as a practical reason to be in security of our future, well, that depends on how we made reasons out of it.

Definitely it is a moving concept so every now and then the idea of marriage changes as time moves forward. Marriage is not only a contract but a contrast of a couple’s identity as one.

Perhaps I’ve been asked about marriage many times. My answer is always “when the time is right for the people…”, this somehow perpetuates the concept.

Years back in college, it was never easy to be asked by someone you barely knew, asks you for matrimony. It never occurred to be such an idea for a fresh college graduate but running 25 by a number. Time is slowly slipping away but then a mother knows best for their daughters. She said “Life is too short to make choices you’ll end up regretting”. It was the best advice I got from her.

Although marriage is absolutely promising nowadays. I call it a moving concept because it defines differences between a man and a woman making an absolute contribution to the society.

You grow old together
You grow old together

You’ll never know when the time is right anyway… 

A Dose of Happiness A Day Can Cure Your Problems Away

treehugger                 An apple a day simply keeps doctors away while your problem never fades away. It’s not like its water that evaporates into mist that you may blow it away easily. It takes so many life lessons to learn how to be happy. It is either you give happiness to others or you take others happiness. Well, that would do no good either of those two I’ve given you works out.

As your 20s guru, there is a lot more to learn from your early adulthood stage. I too, explore the life of independent sophisticated individual in so many experimental problems life has to offer but have you asked yourself with a beginning question. Why am I not happy and positive with my life right now?

There may be factors to take before succeeding the inevitable question of today’s adulthood.



Dependency Issues

You see these words right in your thinking bin then ask yourself, what do I get in partying? You may answer it by saying I can socialize, pass time and sleep little to make out with people. Endless mistakes lead to never ending regrets.

What do I get in working hard without making a value of my work? If you don’t love your work then you made the biggest regret ever. You go to work, claim that your happy, never thought that you made frienemies and you never loved yourself (I made some mistakes similar to these anyway). You have to help YOU not other people. It can be considered that you make other people happy. Ask them!

Have you tried asking yourself, why is that you are still living with your parents? In other countries don’t wish you can still live with your parents at 18 because parents are the ones to push you out of your comfort zone. Unfortunately in PH, you graduate, have family, have a job and still living with your parents. It’s the reality! But there’s a good reason. If you’re at 20s it’s hard to save money in PH especially if you have a minimum salary. It’s regrettably true though. You have to be as tough as a rock to be independent and happy. Say at 25, it may be the right time to marry and have kids. It’s too young to settle down at that age just too common. My guide to you my 20s reader make a lot of money, be independent and be happy! That’s it!

You may even equate with these qualities and neither of us knows what the perfect answer fills in. Though we can figure things out by getting along with these points I personally learned through experience.


  1. Pouty
  2. Grumpy
  3. Selfish
  4. Selfie—pitty
  5. Ignorant
  6. Egoist
  7. Nay-sayer


  1. Happy-go-lucky
  2. Care-free Personality
  3. Thrift Smart
  4. Decision Expert (If you are getting what I meant)
  5. Laughing Girl at Work
  6. Joker
  7. Laugh trips

Although we may have so many problems to look at every day, you and I tend to forget that the simplest details in life. Daily problems, simple arguments and emotional turmoil make us forget that these affect the way we put outputs day in and out of our lives.

As you can see I may be a girl, I should be demure and stuff but I simply learned that I lost a lot of things in life. I forgot to be positive with an attitude, you know. I made positive changes by making silly jokes and make other people laugh. Even people throw jokes at you; nobody should get to be offended. There are times that you open yourself at many possibilities. It leads one thing to another onto pushing the boundaries of yourself at your 20s.

Even so there is a lot to learn while at younger age. When people say, “You’re still young”. I would say “Nope! I’m not going to be always young”. Either way change later or change now!

Most Unforgettable Pizza #Sbarro

Late upload
Late upload

The most unusual places to go visit while in Cebu is the most anticipated Sbarro restaurant. There used to be a Sbarro restaurant in Davao but it didn’t last for some reason. Although Sbarro pizza is ultimately expensive, it is very heavy too, both in the pocket and stomach. Almost 3 inches thick pizza that is thick and bulky to eat.


With regard the heaviness made him sad because of the size of the pizza although it never stopped me loving the pizza. The first time I ate one big Sbarro pizza back when I was in grade 2. My family and I visited Cebu  and we went to SM for lunch. Amidst to our curiosity a pizza place in the middle of the mall. My big brother suggested ‘let’s eat in here! looks delicious’. So walking with a hungry stomach doesn’t help you mumble. I told myself, “let’s try it then. Let’s see who can’t eat a huge sized pizza in a row. haha!”.

Years later which is today. The pizza has been always loved by the fam not just loving it. Thus, embracing the fact of a great Italian pizza. Who would’ve thought anyway.

Sleeping @BabyMongos

Jael, is my youngest toddler brother, he sleeps a lot by day and doesn’t bother being annoyed at sleep. He looks more like a girl because he has too much hairy feature in his face. Though as his older sister I adore much of his sleeping habits, in rare occasions I carry him.

Turning 2 yrs old this June I always wonder how fast toddlers nowadays grow up. The next moment you realize they will age 7 by next few  years eager to learn as much as they can. Kids now a days! Tsk!

febSunday with Jael

Last Sunday I took my off from work scanning through my camera are baby photos of my little brother. Toothless and very young as I whispered to myself. I’m now in my early 20s I realized how to time grasps so fast. I need to catch up a little bit. By my 40s he’s in his 20s. I will be guiding this little bud here when I used to be the little buddy to be carried around by big bro.

Can’t keep enough of these.

Better Ways to Manage Financial Debt Zone

from g
from g

There are many ways to prevent adding debt to your name. I’ve known many of my friends buried in debt, losing friendship all the way and running away is the last resort. Set off from a financial industry. My mother always reminds me not to take debts as a shortcut to any situation. I took her advice. Mothers know best anyway. From my experience I encourage you dear reader to be confident in managing a debt to achieve financial freedom.

#Word of Mouth

Anyone regardless of their status quo can never escape a debt. Even Doctors, Attorneys or IT Professionals just name any and they will say, “I have been in debt for years now. It has been part of my life cycle”. Though I’m not saying you should stop borrowing money. Instead keep yourself on the safe zone by keeping yourself in a low profile.

  1. It’s about control, confidence, self-discipline and patience. I have been also in the debt zone. The only guarantee helpful to anyone is to keep your sanity. It creates good reputation to oneself as a satisfaction.
  2. Before borrowing money to a co-worker or a friend including a family member. You keep your reputation with you. It allows you to be trusted. These are traits other people check up on you.
  3. Risk- Know your risk too well. You may study upon it. Even the richest people in the world take risks but bends on a limit. It stretches on a vast length whether you can risk too much or too less.
  4. Relationship- I have learned in the financial business. Relationship creates a crucial play apart from risk. You have to make sure it’s the connection of this person bonds you to have lesser risk, means that you are trusted enough to pay back what has been borrowed.

So dear reader I know you have a lot in mind right now. Risk and relationship are two elements important in a financial management. Suggest and comment to this blog post if you have various ideas in mind. I’d like to hear from you somehow.